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学生就业服务(SES) lines up jobs that help you pay for college while focusing on your studies. SES is part of 金融援助 Services in the Division of Enrollment Management, 位于校园中心的四楼. SES使用 握手 网站列出了所有可用的机会 联邦半工半读的  Non-Work-Study (资金来源) 项目,包括 社区服务机会

Disclaimer: 学生就业 Services reserves the right to modify 和 update 学生就业 guidelines, 规定, 政策和程序, 如有需要,不另行通知, 遵守政府和大学的规定. Please remember that companies listed on 握手 do not have any affiliations with 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿. While we make every effort to make sure the information is from secured sources, 在评估就业机会时要谨慎.




A 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 Student Employee is a student that holds a part-time, 大学或其合作伙伴的非受益职位. Positions may be limited to work-study eligible students or eligible non-work-study students. Student employees often work on campus in academic offices 和 student services to assist the operations of each department. Students may also work outside of school with local organizations 和 public service agencies.


  • Students must be actively enrolled in classes during the term of employment with the exception of Summer term. 审查的条款 学生就业资格.
  • 联邦半工半读的 - Students must qualify 和 be awarded with a federal work-study award
  • 非勤工俭学(院校资助) -向所有符合条件的积极注册学生开放


  • On-campus positions with academic, administrative, 和 student services departments
  • Off-campus work-study positions in community service 和 with local businesses
  • 校外兼职和当地企业的季节性工作


学生们应该在我们的在线求职门户网站上注册一个账户, 握手,浏览职位列表. 按照每个职位清单上提供的申请程序进行.


学生雇员按小时计酬. The rate of pay corresponds to the Pay Grade Level of each position:

  • 第二级薪级:($15/小时)
  • 第三级薪酬:$15.25-$15.50/hr)
  • 薪级四级:$15.75-$16.75/hr)


  • 一旦SES收到来自招聘部门的请求, students will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the required pre-employment paperwork. 回顾这 职前检查表 要了解概述. Once the paperwork is submitted, it’s evaluated by SES 和 then forwarded to HR for their approval.
  • 学生在拿到毕业证书之前不应该开始工作 授权开始日期 从SES.
  • All student employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis via direct deposit. It is the student's responsibility to make sure that their time is reported accurately. 


  • Student employees are expected to perform their jobs at their best effort 和 present themselves in a courteous 和 professional manner to other students, 工作人员, 教师, 公众.
  • Student employees are expected to adhere to the policies of their work department 和 seek clarification with their supervisor when questions arise.
  • 学生员工应遵守指导方针 学生就业资格.



查看 招聘经理核对表 以获取该过程的概述


招聘部门需要填写一份 工作描述 that highlights the details about the responsibilities 和 duties of the position. 学生就业服务(SES) will evaluate the Pay Grade Level based on the information provided 和 provide the job number.


学生职位通过在线求职门户网站列出, 握手. Students will follow the application procedures as instructed on the 工作描述. Departments may choose their selection of c和idates for interviews 和 present an offer to the selected c和idate once a decision is made. 各部门需要在网上提交 学生就业查询 表格,以启动文书工作和工资流程.


Once 学生就业 Services receives the 学生就业查询, the student will be contacted with instructions to fill out the pre-employment paperwork needed before starting the position. Students are not allowed to work prior to the completion of the pre-employment paperwork. The department will receive a confirmation email with the 授权开始日期 from which employment may begin once 学生就业 Services verifies the work eligibility of the student.


The Department will submit the ePAF hiring form after receiving the email confirmation from 学生就业 Services. ePAF should be submitted in a timely manner according to the timeline dates on the confirmation. ePAF审查可能需要长达两周的时间来处理.


Departments are required to maintain verifiable records of weekly timesheets of hours worked by the students. Timesheets must be reviewed by the supervisor 和 inputted into HR Direct by the Department Timekeeper on a weekly basis. 所有工时表必须真实准确地反映工作时数. Falsifying a timesheet is a fraudulent act 和 a violation of University policy. Timesheets hours that are not verifiable or are improperly documented on a work-study student will be charged back to the department as non-work-study hours. It is the Department’s responsibility to ensure all timesheet hours are accurate 和 submitted in a timely manner. Timekeeping access on HR Direct can be requested through the Human Resources office.


  • The hiring department is required to submit a 工作描述 form on each student position before a job can be posted or offered to a student.
  • Departments cannot allow students to work prior to the completion of the pre-employment paperwork 和 receipt of an 授权开始日期. 
  • Departments are responsible for providing the necessary training 和 resources needed to help the students perform their job successfully. Departments should review their office policies with the students 和 are encouraged to conduct evaluation 和 provide constructive feedback to help students with performance 和 behavioral improvements.
  • Departments must submit timesheets in a timely manner to prevent payment delays to the students.
  • Departments must keep accurate timesheet records 和 monitor the work-study balance or departmental budget to prevent overspending.